Shrine of Nodens
Cost | 2,300 |
Repair cost | 920 |
Repair cost if ruined | 1,840 |
- Bread and Games Edict: 4 food
- +10% wealth from maritime commerce
- +4 Celtic cultural influence
- +2 public order per turn
As a god of healing Nodens was often associated with water. The ancient Celts saw water as a purifier and worshiped it for its healing powers. A large temple complex, built by the Romans, alongside the River Severn in England, was dedicated to Nodens and featured dormitories, suggesting that it may have been a place of pilgrimage for the sick and infirm. The site of this temple may also have been chosen as it offered an excellent view over the river and would have been ideal for viewing the Severn Bore, a large wave which sweeps up river against the current. This natural spectacle can occur throughout the year but the largest bores tend to rise in the spring. The largest bore ever recorded reached a height of 2.8 metres.