Mercenary Iberian Cavalry

Recruitment Cost 370
Upkeep Cost 270
Melee Attack 50
Weapon Damage 39
Bonus vs. Large 0
Charge Bonus 31
Melee Defence 50
Armour 15
Health 75
Base Morale 40
Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Average attack
  • Weak defence
  • Low damage but average armour penetration
  • Poor morale

The Iberians harboured a great deal of respect for horses, even worshipping them as divine creatures. In times of war the horse had previously played a minor role, but gradually progressed from a symbol of prestige, and noble warrior’s ride to the battlefield, to becoming a major presence in the battle itself. Blessed with horses of great quality, Iberian cavalry grew to become one of the most potent weapons of the ancient world. Their horses were as fast and as nimble as the renowned Numidian steeds and, having been trained to cope with the rough terrain of the Iberian peninsula, were hardy beasts also. The combination of fine mounts and dextrous riders enabled Iberian cavalry to establish themselves as mercenaries sought after by both Carthage and Rome.

Gadira Ebora Kartuba Corduba Saguntum Numantia Olisipo Numantia Qart Hadasht Ibossim Nova Carthago Gades Olisipo Toletum Arse Gades Tarraco Aracillum Brigantium Aracillum Tarraco Ibossim Ebora Brigantium Kartuba