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'Hellenisation' was the spread of many aspects of Greek culture across the ancient world. Although usually used to describe the adoption of Greek law, architecture, military and religious practices, etc. among Alexander the Great's eastern conquests, it can also refer to the gradual absorption of aspects of Hellenic culture by those 'barbarian' tribal societies living on the fringes of the Greek world, such as Thrace and Illyria, over a period of around 500 years. At a tribal level, Hellenisation was most prevalent among the noble classes, who aspired to be as 'civilised' as the Greeks. However, many defeats at Greek hands also caused a gradual shift in Illyrian and Thracian military thinking, which in turn led them to field their own version of the hoplite phalanx and a heavier version of the traditional peltast; a lightly-armoured skirmisher who could also fight just as effectively in melee.