Village (Silk Trader)

Cost 1,100
Repair cost 440
Repair cost if ruined 880
  • +5% wealth from all commerce
  • 100 wealth from local commerce
  • +1 growth per turn
  • 40 textiles
Building Chain (Antony's Rome (Emperor Edition), Lepidus' Rome (Emperor Edition), Octavian's Rome (Emperor Edition), Pompey's Rome (Emperor Edition), Rome, Rome (Caesar in Gaul), Rome (Hannibal at the Gates))

The trade in luxury textiles in the ancient world was extremely lucrative as clothing and decorative fabrics became a sign of status and prestige. Silk was the jealously guarded secret of the Chinese for over two thousand years. Once the Silk Road was opened in the 1st century BC it proved highly desirable and, although considered by some immoral and decadent, soon became very profitable. Despite this, western cultures did not obtain the secret of making silk for themselves until 550AD.